Steel and Clouds is a photography series depicting urbane, industrial constructions and clouds. The series consists of black and white giclée prints printed by the photographer.

The visual attraction of the images is based on dialogue between architectural geometry and fluidity of the clouds. Steel constructions photographed against dramatic skies are detached from their location and proportions.

Ladders, stairs and grids rising up to heavens are a recurrent theme of the images. The viewer is enticed to ascend towards the unknown. Changing, ephemeral clouds defy the permanence of metal, eventually corroding the steel and concrete that reaches out to the skies.

Steel and Clouds was on display in gallery Laterna Magica, Helsinki, in Autumn 2023. Finnfoto - The Central Association of Finnish Photographic Organizations kindly supported the exhibition. 

A silhouette of railings of a diving tower, clouds in the background

Steel sky. Puumala, Finland, 2021.

A silhouette of a suspension bridge in Kalasatama and dramatic clouds

Crossing. Helsinki, Finland, 2021.


"A cloud is an aerosol consisting of a visible mass of minute liquid droplets, frozen crystals, or other particles suspended in the atmosphere of a planetary body or similar space."

These ever changing misty formations constitute the backdrop of our existence on a planetary body. Towers, bridges, smokestacks, gasworks and overhead power lines. Concrete and metal scraping the sky. Mundane and sublime objects.

Imagine that these phallic industrial constructions could be liberated from the functional reason that dictates their existence. Could they serve as monuments to celebrate the cloudscapes above our planetary body.

A mass of liquid droplets and frozen crystals. A great wilderness above our heads.

A silhouette of a group of people walking on a bridge under cloudy sky

Lonely crowd. Helsinki, Finland, 2021.

Helsinki Olympic Stadium tower against dramatic clouds

Olympia. Helsinki, Finland, 2021.

The ladders of an observation tower rising up towards clouds

Tranquility. Helsinki, Finland, 2021.

A silhouette of a derelict gasworks and a smokestack under veil of clouds

Monument I. Helsinki, Finland, 2021.

A silhouette of a derelict gasworks seen against clouds

Monument II. Helsinki, Finland, 2021.

An observation tower rising up towards white clouds

Totem. Oulu, Finland, 2021.

Long exposure photo of a paper mill stacks shot against clouds

Cloud mill. Oulu, Finland, 2020.

Steep ladders of an electricity pylon rising up towards sky

Vertigo. Kotka, Finland, 2021.

An installation of interconnected bicycle wheels shot against clouds

Praying wheels. Helsinki, Finland, 2021.

A silhouette of a derelict gasworks seen against clouds

Momument III, Helsinki, Finland, 2021.

A gigantic electricity pylon

Titan. Kotka, Finland, 2021.

An empty diving tower framed by dramatic clouds

Altar. Puumala, Finland, 2021.

A silhouette of a woman and a boy climbing up ladders of a diving tower

Vista. Puumala, Finland, 2021.

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